
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Field Trip Fun

Today, we traveled to USC Aiken to the Ruth Patrick Science Center for some hands-on fun!

The kids were able to apply their knowledge of minerals in the first session we attended. With their small groups, they used books, tools, inquiry, and prior knowledge to classify the different types of minerals. They loved discovering ones we had not particularly studied in class. With our rocks and minerals unit we were able to integrate the science, reading, writing, and ELA standards with the novel study using The Magic School Bus. I was so proud of the children of persevering through the activities and answering the questions the session leader asked them. They also were able to observe different properties of minerals.

Our second session was in the planetarium. We learned about the history of the song "Follow the Drinking Gourd" that slaves used to escape to freedom. The children were able to see the Big Dipper (the drinking gourd) in its relation in the sky. It was a great experience to connect the wonderful learning and research they have been conducting in Mrs. Rice's room!